Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Alright here I go with the first blog post since I got to Scotland. I'm writing a bunch of posts in a short time but are keeping them separated, so don't get confused when you see several posts.

I will briefly comment on the flight. Virgin Airlines was fantastic coming over. Only a 6 hour flight which was not that bad. I met some people from Ifsa-Butler who took the group flight over. I really like the people I am with. We arrived in Edinburgh in the afternoon. Before dinner, a large group of us went and explored the town around the hotel. Firstly, the hotel entrance looks up at the Edinburgh Castle. Fantastic view. We walked by the Elephant House where J.K. Rowling wrote the first HP books. After that we went to Greyfriars Kirkyard. It was an awesome cemetery with crypts built into walls with cool sculptures. Supposedly, Tom Riddle is buried at this cemetery. We did not find him though. After dinner, most of us were exhausted from our trip, so we just went to hang out along Grass Market (a street where our hotel sat). My newly made friends Brendan and Brady went up to Princes Street and went down Judge's Close (closes are narrow alleyways) where sat an authentic Scottish pub, the Jolly Judge. To reach the Jolly Judge one had to go into the close and go down stairs into the pub, which was small, no music, and was just plain awesome. It was a good first night.

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