Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to my Blog

It is now 23 days before I leave for my adventure in Scotland.  I leave Sep. 13th, which is rather late compared to many of the other study abroad programs.  Most others have already left or will be leaving soon. I on the other hand will be able to spend some time at my home university and spend time with my friends.  I will also get to sing with the BU choir.

So a little about what I know about my program. I will be studying at the University of St. Andrew's. The school is the 3rd oldest in the UK and the oldest in Scotland (600 years old). Currently the school is famous for two things. The first is that St. Andrew's is the birthplace and one of the most famous golf courses in the world. I will have to dabble in a game, or at least visit the massive course. The second reason why the school is famous is for the royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton. They both attended the University of St. Andrew's.   However, I chose to go to St. Andrew's before I knew that connection.  While at St. Andrew's, I will be taking Latin and some courses in history.  I am excited to get there and experience the culture. I will be going to Scotland through Butler University in Indiana. With Butler, all students are able to attend a long weekend at Inverness (close to Loch Ness) and have a host family weekend. My family weekend will be at Stirling. Stirling just happens to be the place where William Wallace won his greatest victory against Britain.  

This semester away from Home is going to be different, for it will be the first time I have gone a semester without being in a choir or doing something music related.  When I get there, I will talk to some people and visit some groups and maybe join the choir or an a cappella group. If I do not do music, then I would like to do fencing. I have been thinking about fencing and how cool it would be to come back and be able to do that.

Anyway I will try to wrap this up.  I hope to all that might follow my blog that you enjoy it and that I can add to it frequently. I will not promise to have so many posts each week cause it depends on what my activities are that week. I would appreciate to hear from any family and friends whenever possible while abroad, so please keep in touch.

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