Monday, September 12, 2011

Goodbye and See You Later

There is one day before I leave for a new adventure.  These past weeks and final days have been spent getting myself ready and spending time with family and friends. I have spent a large amount of time at my BU being with roommates, close friends, and choir friends.  I have been blessed to have so many awesome people as friends.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on campus with these fabulous people. I also am blessed to have been able to be with BC people before I leave. I am supposed to be and MIA in choir, but I was around for the first part of the year. There were definitely people that I saw at school that were confused by my presence. They thought I was supposed to be gone already, but I was not.  It is strange that my semester starts really late compared to other schools and other study abroad programs. I leave much later than most, and don't start classes till the 26th of September.  Not only do I start late, I am done by December 17th. I really have a short study abroad trip. I guess that's ok though.  It has been fun though seeing everyone.

My family is also one who I have spent time with before I leave (duh). It is not as much time as I would have liked however.  I have a great family and they have done a lot to help me prepare for my trip. Being diabetic I have many complications with traveling simply due to the amount of supplies that I need to bring with me.  It has been a challenge at times, but things have been worked out. Most of this was due to my lovely mother's assistance.  One thing I have been doing with my family has been watching travel shows about Scotland and England to get an idea of stuff that I should go see or do. Some have been more helpful than others.

I believe my packing is done. I have been packed (majority) this past week with only smaller things left to do. Now its contacting people and seeing last minute friends and family.  Tomorrow will be filled with going over lists to make sure everything I have is accounted for.  Tomorrow is going to be stressful and interesting. I am looking forward to my trip, yet for some reason it still does not feel like I am leaving yet. I have not gotten any gitters about going.  To be honest, I believe it won't feel real till I am on the plane beginning the journey.  It is going to be exciting that's for sure.

So it begins...

1 comment:

  1. Parker, I had no idea that you were studying abroad! Judging by a quick scan of your blog, it seems that you're having a really great time! So amazing. Keep in touch!
