Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nessie Hunting (Oct. 9)

It was amazing. I saw Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, in person. It even at the food that I gave it. Who knew Nessie had a thing for shortbread cookies with nutella on them. She loved it and ate it from my hand. This is the only picture I was able to get before she returned to the depths. She is real alright.

In the morning, we arrived at Loch Ness, one of the largest/deepest lochs in Scotland. By the way, how many lakes are in Scotland? It's a trick question. There is only one lake, the rest are all called lochs, although they are the same thing. Anyway, we arrived to take a cruise on Loch Ness to Urquhart Castle. The loch was formed in this deep V-shaped valley so on each side were large mountains. It was extremely beautiful, and my pictures do not do it justice. Since the cruise was slow moving, I managed to take more pictures of my friends. So you can now see who I hang out with the most in Scotland

Our sailing vessel

 Album cover shot: I think it fits the Bethel ratio correctly
left to right: Sarah, Grace, Myself, Cooper, Erin, and Caroline)
 left to right: Sarah, Cooper, Emily, Grace
 Lauren and Erin

 Lauren, Grace, and Caroline trying to be Hairy Coos

Our cruise brought us to the lovely and interesting Castle Urquhart. We talked about this castle in my castles class the day before I left for the Highland Fling. So I know that dating the castle is hard. There is document evidence going back to the 12th century, but many of the structures were built in different centuries. It was very busy when we were there, but there was enough to see to get some really good pictures.

 left to right: Myself, Brendan, Erin, John, Brady (on phone)

 Myself with Erin and Emily
 Pretty sure this was on some postcards of the castle

The trip continued to Glencoe, a stunningly beautiful place to be. Although it was rather cold, the mountains were so high and shrouded in clouds. It was a short stop, but so worth it.


 Caroline, Myself, Grace and Adam... Can you find Adam?

 Kings of the Wild Frontier. We bagged Arthur's Seat together.
left to right: Myself, Brendan, Brady

Our semi-long bus ride back was easy. Most of us took naps. Got back to DRA, ate some subway that I picked up, did some HW and that was the end to my Highland Fling. I realize how hard it would be to do that trip on my own without a charter bus. Things are so far apart, seeing stuff by getting buses would take too long, so I am really glad that I went.

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