Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Lovely Dalton Family

Years ago, I was in I believe my 2nd year of the Minnesota Boychoir. That year, we had the opportunity to host boys from the St. Paul's Cathedral Boychoir from London. That is how I met Charlie and Barbara. Charlie and I were paired up because we were both diabetic, and if there were issues, we were the family to help the Daltons. The night Charlie and I met, we compared our insulin pumps in the first few minutes of meeting. We continued fun with showing Charlie and Julius (the other boy staying with me) the joys of pumpkin carving. [you cannot get pumpkins here in the uk, nor do you carve them]. We hosted them only for a night. Barbara and my mother have kept in contact via email and eventually Facebook sharing stories about their children. 

Being in the UK, and wanting to go to London, I sent Barbara a message asking if it would be alright, even after so many years, to stay with them while I stayed in London. Barbara and family welcomed me with open arms.  I could stay for as long as I like and they even gave me a house key so I could come and go as I pleased. I have to say that without Barbara and Bob's help, I would not have been able to figure out the bus, underground, train, or London for that matter. They helped me achieve all of the things I was hoping to do in my short time. Barbara would research when buses and trains would leave, so I could plan accordingly, and made sure I knew how to get places.  In the home is Barbara, Bob (husband), Jimmy, and Louise. Jimmy and Louise are the older children. Charlie lives in student housing and attends Kings School in London. The whole family was very welcoming.  They live near the Crystal Palace. A train station is near by that could bring me all over London, and the number 3 bus would take me to the Imperial War museum, Westminster and Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Picadilly Circus... All places that I needed to go. The number 3 bus was my primary form of transportation.  I can say that I have made new friends and connections in England. Barbara is my UK mother when my mother cannot be present.

 left to right: Bob, Barbara, Louise, and Jimmy

The cat you see is named Midnight. As a kitten, he was thrown into their yard from a passing car and almost drowned. The Dalton's took the kitten in and cared for him. The cat is older than Charlie. Charlie is 18 years old, and Midnight is 19. That is a really old cat. He is completely deaf and struggles to get up on the couch, but according to the vet, his condition is very good for his age, its quite astounding. He is sleeping in this picture in his chair in the kitchen.

One afternoon I met up with Charlie for a choir rehearsal and listening to them practice. It was lovely. The group was fantastic, and it made me miss my friends in Bethel Choir. I am excited to return. Charlie and I got dinner and shared stories about our choir tours, choirs, music activities, school, things we do for fun. It was really fun to talk to Charlie after so many years.

Overall, I am very thankful to the Dalton family for doing so much for me. They are truly a blessing.

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