Thursday, November 3, 2011


I have spent the majority of the week preparing everything for my trip to London. I have been working out places I want to see, costs etc... I am fortunate to stay with a local family. The family I met years ago when the son Charlie can with his mom on a choir tour (St. Paul's Cathedral Boychoir) when they came to Minnesota for choir tour. I hosted Charlie and his mom, and now they are going to host me. So it is going to be cool to reconnect with them after so many years.

Places on my list of things to do include: Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and church, St. Paul's Cathedral, British Museum, Churchill War Rooms, Imperial War museum, The Globe, maybe Hampton Court, and some other sites. I am looking forward to it.  One of my highlights will be the Marriage of Figaro opera by Mozart. I am seeing that Nov 5 and it is going to be amazing.

Look for several posts sometime after thrusday of next week detailing the invasion of London.

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