Sunday, December 11, 2011

Farewell IFSA-Butler (Dec 9)

I feel the need to say thank you to IFSA Butler, Ruth Casey, and Deirdra McCourt for all of their help this past semester. Ruth and Deirdra have been responsible for setting up so many great opportunities while in Scotland, such as Inverness which I would not have been able to do on my own, and made the transition to living in a new environment smooth. IFSA Butler is great and any student who is considering studying abroad anywhere, look to see if there is an IFSA Butler program, and I would definitely recommend it. They work so much behind the scenes to make your experience enjoyable and take an interest in how you feel about the experience. Ruth and Casey and all of the other IFSA Butler people deserve a lot of credit. Thanks Ruth and Deirdra, maybe one day we will meet again.

Left: Ruth, Middle: Me, Left: Deirdra
They both said they are not good at photo's, I would have to disagree

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