Sunday, December 4, 2011

Arsenal (Dec 3)

Today I journeyed with 2 fine brave gentlemen into the northern territory of England to witness a spectacular football match between the Arsenal and Wigan Athletics. The journey began with a hearty breakfast of meat. It was continental breakfast, so fold meat (turkey, ham), cheese, rolls, and hot bacon. I actually got called out for taking too much bacon, when there was only 5 people eating breakfast. Brady, John, and I got a bus to the Leuchars train station and met with the steel beast that would transport us to our destination. It was a several hour trip, of which I enjoyed the tunes of Christmas and napping. At about 1 past midday we arrived in the land of Wigan. The land lacked plenty and appeal. None of it mattered, for we arrived to see the match.

The stadium is set up in a unique manner. All of the bleachers are segregated; segregated in terms of fans.  Three of the four sections belonged to the Wigan Athletics which were rightly filled being a home game. The last section was reserved for the Arsenal fans, which we were acquainted. It became very apparent that arsenal fans are extremely loyal and energetic. There were many cheers sung and curses pointed towards Wigan fans. It was interesting that all of the other sections were sitting (as is quite normal for football matches), however, Arsenal fans stood for the whole game.

Arsenal dominated and destroyed Wigan athletics 4-0. Each time the Arsenal scored, another followed closely behind. The goals were scored in groupings of two. Arsenal thus lived up to their reputation which John described as "where there is one goal, another follows." Arsenal makes the most money of all of the teams, as it has the highest pound per goal ratio. Not sure what this means, but its there.

I would be lying if I said sitting in the Arsenal section was wholesome family fun. It is great fun do not get me wrong, but many curse words and name calling was in much abundance. Most of the cheers were profane in some way. Some were clean. As I am not a person who would taint a readers eyes on profanity, I will refrain from writing the more profane cheers. The ones below were more tame to say the least.

"We got a huge f-ing German"

"Percy Scores when he wants"

 Leuchars Train Station. It is literally in the middle of nowhere. It could be from a movie, but I doubt it


 Staduium, with John's head in the bottom corner

 View from our seats

 Beware of Flying Balls: There are no nets behind the goals, so if you get hit its literally your fault. Plus you cannot even keep the balls. Since the balls are scientifically designed and they cost around 200 pounds, you must throw the balls back if caught. It is not like baseball. However, the Arsenal after their victory, two of the players were so please with the fans they took off their jersey and threw them into the crowd while the goalie threw his gloves. They get new ones each game so they can do that. We were not close enough to catch a sweaty jersey.

 Me at the field. It was rather chilly today

 Warm ups

left: John Creamer, Middle: Me, Right: Brady Plunger

We returned to the far North in a much safer land at close to 11 pm. Got dinner at the KFB and called it a night. This was an awesome experience and possibly my last excision in Scotland. Time will tell.

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