Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Haldane Flat 2

It only took me to the end of the semester to realize that I have no pictures of my flatmates. I suggested we all take a picture together as a group so we can remember what we all look like. All of them are great people and I wish them the best with their future endeavors.

We are a very diverse group of people and come from very different parts of the world. Yukiko is originally from Japan, Ivan is from Bulgaria, Alberto from Italy, Sabrina from Texas (another world in itself :p and I hail from the frozen land of Minne-snow-ta. It was interesting for me to meet people from all around the world in such a small timeframe. 

From left to right: Yukiko Kishimoto, Ivan Damgov, Alberto Micheletti, Sabrina Triola, and myself.

I am unsure if I described the set up of my apartment. I am on the ground floor of Haldane, which sits next to the main building. Each flat has around 5-6 occupants. Behind the main door is a hallway with several doors and rooms attached, with the final room in the hall leading into the kitchen living room area. It is a different set up than I am used to at home where the main door would open into the living room, but it worked.  Each occupant had their own bedroom, desk, closet, and bathroom which was nice.  David Russell Apartments are rented out during the summer season to golfs visiting St. Andrews and are in need of a cheaper room than the ritzy golf hotel. 

Thanks for being awesome flatmates. Maybe our paths will cross in the future down the road. Until then, so long. 

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