Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Bop (Sep. 23)

The Bop is a ticketed dance at the Student Union. It was supposed to be cool, but was really lame. Should have figured that out earlier in the week. But this is how it started... Got up and got lunch with Caroline and Grace at the Pitcher House. For lunch you can usually find a cheap place to eat (DRA does not offer lunch during the week, only breakfast from 8-10 and dinner). It was serving a two meal course for 6 pounds. Not bad I think. Following lunch we watched the Opening Ceremony for the School of Arts and Divinity. Outside Younger Hall there was a bag piper. That instantly drew me in. I love bagpipes. The Ceremony began with all of the professors and principle marching in their robes (robes here are worn to everything with ceremonies and church). All of the professors have cool hoods that they wear, some with fur and others really colorful. Each hood represents their area of study. Personally I think they all looked like wizards. Sometimes I think I might be at a school of wizardry. The professors follow two medieval maces. One was made 50 years ago, so not old, but the other was from the 1400's and is used every year. They are decorative maces, but I don't have a picture to show you. Some professors gave addresses. One from a history professor was very entertaining. St. Andrew's is the only Medieval university to have more than 2 medieval maces, and St. Andrew's has five. It has a 98 percent completion rate and satisfaction. The school is celebrating its 600 anniversary over 3 years because the first dates are debated (however, 1411 was the year classes began). Lastly, the professor put down the rumors that Lord Voldemort founded the school in 1411 for wizards. The St. Salvator's Chapel Choir sang and then the professors left and that was the ceremony. It was cool I thought. 

St. Andrew's really has some interesting traditions. One called Rasin Weekend I will explain when it happens. But there are just small things that I think are cool, like the robes for example. I am not going to buy a robe because they are 80-100 pounds and I cannot afford that.  St. Andrew's is unique in that it is a small town, holds its medieval charm, yet has modern conveniences. Other Scottish University's don't have that same appeal.

Now to the Bop. In short, the Bop was really lame. We hung out in the Union with people so the party could get started. When we walked in, there were only a small amount of people, and the music was not even dance music. They played Skaterboy and barbiegirl. Seriously, what are we, 12? The music was bad, so we ended up leaving. As with most nights, a popular stop is the Kinness Fry Bar. They have pizza, kebabs, fried food, and deep fried Mars bars. I don't remember when I had the fried candy bar, but it was not this night. We go there often because its open till 2, so its the only place to get food at night, but its so greasy but good at times. 

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