Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ceilidh (Sep. 26)

To start off, today is the first day of lectures. I have it really tough with class at 3, so I have to get up super early. Not really, its a good deal. The Latin class is actually quite large. It was about 26 people. So the class has the main professor and two graduate students teaching the class. My teachers name is Juan and he is from Spain and has a really heavy accent making it hard to understand what he is saying. I was just placed in the group that has Mattijs and Nora as our teachers. I think it might be for the better since I believe they speak clearer english. My class takes place in the new Arts Lecture building next to the library on the Scores. So not a super old building, but I guess it will have to do. I did need to buy a text book because I need it in class. Hopefully I won't have to buy another book for my other class.

I was looking forward to my evening. At 7, I was going to be meeting the Celtic Society at the Union where we would walk somewhere where we would have Ceilidh lessons. A Ceilidh is traditional Scottish/Celtic Folk dancing. I am a beginner, so this was a beginning class. [note: Ceilidh pronounced 'kay-lee']. The class was a lot of fun. First you warm up with some running and stretching, then you pair up with someone / get into groups where they walk you step by step how to do the dance. Eventually after we walk through the dance a few times, we actually do the dance to music. The music does not always work since it uses cassettes. I was lucky to have been with some of the committee club members for the Celtic Society. They were able to help me along and get the dances. Typically after the lessons, the committee members take whoever is interested to a pub and socialize. We went to 'The Rule', and I was one of two I believe who where not committee members. So I made a few new friends and talked to them. I found some like minded people which was really cool. I am definitely going to go back and learn more dancing. Never thought I would be dancing in Scotland.

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