Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rainy Scottish Day

Today I experienced my first rainy day in Scotland. It was very exciting. Today I went with a group to the Edinburgh Castle and toured that complex. I saw the battlements, military museum, the crown jewels (not allowed to take pictures) and the stone of destiny. It was a very cool place, but our group got split up somehow, so when we found others in our group, we left the castle. Right next to the castle is an armory shop. Inside the shop are numerous swords, axes, armor pieces, and movie weapons. I saw remakes of the sword from braveheart, and recreations of several helmets and swords from LOTR. It was very exciting. I did a little shopping around.

For dinner, we were on our own, so a group of us went to this little Italian cafe. It was really good, but neither of us could understand the waiter, nor could he understand what we were saying. So it was all good. This night was our last night in Edinburgh, so like all of the other Scots, we went to a pub. Tonight we sought out a pub with live music (traditional music). We found a rock pub, not what I wanted but I went in. I enjoyed the interior and the atmosphere more than I thought I was going to. In the time I spent there, there was this guy and his girl friend. The girl friend went out for a smoke and came back with this large man who was holding her hand. I think the guy had some mental disorder but he was hugging and kissing this girl in front of the boyfriend. This went on for a while because nothing bad was happening. The guy left and that was the end of a very interesting pub experience thats for sure. I then walked back to the hotel, in the rain without a coat (it was clear when I left). That's one thing I have learned is to either have a waterproof jacket or umbrella with you at all times cause the rain can come with no warning.

Here is my disclaimer: a lot of evenings are spent in the pubs, especially the first few nights. The culture here is very centered around pubs. We were told in our orientation, that many of the student groups in St. Andrew's, where I will be studying, meet in pubs due to lack of space on campus.  It is ok not to order an alcoholic beverage if you do not want to. I have been to several pubs, but have refrained from drinking.

This was a cultural experience. In every other country in the world, Coca-Cola is the most popular drink, except in Scotland where Irn Bru reigns supreme. It is this intensely sugary, orange drink. To some it tastes like cough syrup, but to me the after taste was like bubble gum. I felt like I was drinking liquid bubble gum. It was really gross.  Although it is gross to me, but not the natives, I would encourage you to try it. Some like it, and it is a cultural experience one must have.

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