Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saints Sports Wednesday (Sep. 22)

Saints Sports Wednesday is a huge day during Fresher's week. It gives Fresher's a chance to watch and participate in any of the numerous sports clubs on campus. There are so many. Ones that I was interested in where fencing and archery. I found the archery club first. I am a natural. Out of the 40 people there trying, I got the closest to a bulls-eye on the smallest target (nbd). The excitement was short lived though. The archery club has practice from 3-5 on tuesdays and thursdays. Unfortunately for me, I have class everyday except wednesday at 3. So I would be missing most of the time. I did not feel like I should pay for a membership for the club and the sports facility. Fencing was actually the same kind of thing. Their beginner lessons are at 3 too, so not conducive to my schedule at all. So I was a little bummed. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are many different non-athletic societies that I could join.

My goal at St. Andrew's is to do stuff that I have not really done before. Fencing would have been cool, but it did not work out. But I did find out there is a medieval group that feasts and fights every sunday. So that might be my best bet. This semester is odd because its the first 3 month span where I am not in some music organization. I talked to some a cappella people, but its really hard to join a group then leave half way through the year. The other choir is open to everyone but I don't really have an interest in that at this point. Their performance would be after I leave anyway.

The rest of Saints Sports Wed. was planning other trips that I would like to take in Scotland and skyping with my family. It was a good day.

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