Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fresher's Fayre (Sep. 24-25)

Fresher's Fayre is similar to Saint Sports Wednesday but for the non-athletic societies. All of the societies are in the Student Union building. When I got to the Union, the place was packed. The area where they have all of the dancing was super warm, the air was thick with sweat, and was just unpleasant to be in there. But I was on a mission to find the Celtic Society, History Society, and Shire of Caer Caledon. I saw the shire first cause some guy was dressed up in medieval clothes and was carrying a big banner. I got some information about when they meet. Sadly they have a 12 course feast this Saturday when I am going to be in Edinburgh visiting with Sam Kampa (studies at Oxford this semester). I asked them about the fighting and what they use. They fight with spears, swords, and axes. He lifted up his legit metal axe and said "this." I am totally in. [This is a shout out to Tim Larson, I found the place to do broad sword fighting]. I next found the Celtic Society. They had Ceilidh lessons on Monday that I think I will go to. Other groups that they had in the main room where the typical groups. There was a pokemon thing (super hard core people doing pokemon). My friend Callum joined that group, but decided to leave. Too nerdy. The people had sponsors. The weirdest one I saw was a Pole Fitness club. Basically its the fitness of a stripper on a stripper pole. It was quite odd to see that at a school. Apparently its legit, but back at Bethel you would never see that.

[break] This is a great experience for me. Bethel and St. Andrew's are so different and they environment is different too. Here drinking and getting drunk is commonplace for some. At St. Andrew's they have a contraception clinic, sexual health clinics, welcome to academic subjects and dorms use alcohol. It's really evident how different my experiences have been. I appreciate not having to drink to have fun, so kudos Bethel. [end break]

Upstairs in the Union I found the classics group that watches movies like 300 and troy and wear bed sheets. I also joined the archeology group and some other ones that I do not recall. It was a good day.

For dinner, I met up with Ivan and Alberto (two of my flat mates) and two of their friends at pizza express. The other people were from Italy and Germany. So at the table there where two Italians, one German, one Bulgarian, and one American. They asked me about America and if I like it. We talked about Scottish food which I have had a lot of. It was fun. Then Ivan and Alberto went to a concert and I went back to DRA. Oh, I learned that Ivan loves western movies. He does not understand what is said in the movies because of the accent, but he likes them. He loves American history too so he asks me about that often.

Sep. 25
I went to the Cathedral again. I saw Liz and Cooper there. While we were talking, this lovely newly wed couple came to the cathedral in this sweet old car. She wore a lovely white dress and he a kilt and jacket. Very nice looking. There were Asian tourists that were snapping pictures of them left and right, and they even got in pictures with the couple. Cooper and I were just at a loss for words, cause we would never think to do that. So that was odd. After that I met with Julia Markoe from WBL (close to home). We had been emailing so we finally met in person. So at least there is one person from White Bear Lake here.  I ended up being late for dinner with IFSA Butler people and Bella Italia. I just got there as everyone got their food. But it turned out ok. Afterwards, Brady, John, Liz, and myself went to the pub 'The Rule' and got some sticky toffee pudding. It was so good. It's like chocolate melting cake, but better I think.

Sticky Toffee Pudding and Ice Cream from 'The Rule'

Some pictures of David Russell and a museum I walk by everyday to get to town

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